Support us

In March 2017 Fairfax House launched a major campaign to save Grinling Gibbons’ – the Michelangelo of Wood – King David Panel, his first-known, York-made sculpture. The incredible support received from individual donors, trusts and grant-givers has enabled us to raise the full £300,000 needed to save and acquire this exquisite artwork of incomparable national, regional and local significance.
There are still many ways other ways to become involved and support our work at Fairfax House to preserve this special place and unique heritage site.
If you are looking to try something new why not join our team of volunteers? We are always looking for new volunteers to get involved in many different roles. If you feel that you’ve got something to offer please contact us to discuss volunteering opportunities or find out more about volunteering.
Or you might like to become a Friend of Fairfax House and support this magnificent townhouse with a membership of like-minded people. The Friends promote and support our work through a programme of outings, holidays and social events giving you the opportunity to meet people, make friends and learn more about us.